We hope you will attend our Club Assembly meeting at the ICC on Friday, November 18, 2022, to discuss the following.

Our club is losing Member Equity every week due to low attendance at the Friday in-person meetings. Funds raised from events like Sparkles in the Park, Lobsterfest, Canada Day, etc. are dedicated to helping the communities we serve and cannot be used for the benefit of members. This means that we must be self-sufficient in paying our individual way for the operations of the club. Currently, with low attendance and prices we pay to be hosted by the ICC, we are losing money (Member Equity) weekly. This is a fact since we started meeting in person again. The Board has tasked the Club Service Team with coming up with solutions to this problem. We have a short period of time to do this as we would like to introduce a solution and perhaps a new model in January 2023 after the holiday break.

This is an opportunity to address a number in inequities that are currently in place. For example, should members who attend in person subsidize members who do not attend in person? Should we adjust the number of in-person and online meetings so more members can participate in building our club and serving our community? How do we share costs across all members?

We need to hear from everyone. Together there is an answer to this opportunity to become a better club.