On Friday, February 23rd, we celebrated the Club's 104th anniversary!
The Rotary Club of Guelph was founded in 1920 by Alexander Stewart. The image below shows the members of the Rotary Club of Guelph in 1921.  
Over our 104 year history, the Rotary Club of Guelph has made a remarkable impact on the City of Guelph. Some of the most notable projects that our club has championed, include: 
- The Children's Centre that became KidsAbility
- Teen Litter Cleanup Days
- Bheny Hearing Project on Baffin Island (Better hearing & education for Northern youth)
- Senior Medical Services
- 100 acre Rotary Forest near Guelph Lake
- Brant Avenue Pantry
- Youth Leadership Camp
- Small business loans
- Water and Hygiene Project in Uganda
- Water wells in India
- $500,000 for Guelph General Hospital (Dream Home Project)
- Economic Development in Cameroon 
- Food4Kids in Guelph
- Toward Truth Film Series
- Support for International Shelter Box for housing when Disaster Strikes. 
Rosemary Clark put together the festivities, on Friday. We had a wonderful cake (shown in the image above) and champagne. Rosemary gave a quick speech about the Club's history and when she went to lead the cheers, she realized she didn't have a drink with her. Sean Yo quickly provided her with a glass of gingerale, Rosemary said, 'I don't want this,' her glass was then replaced with champagne. 
Happy 104th everyone!