Messages this week from our Club President, Tracey Curtis
Welcome back, Rotarians, after a two week break covering Christmas and New Year.
This week's rendition of O Canada was a wonderful recording of our national anthem in 11 different languages! Thanks, Rick, for these lovely and creative surprises that you find for us. Click here to listen again.
Whilst happy to be back online in a zoom meeting with everyone, Tracey reminisced fondly about our former in-person meetings at the ICC, with hugs and personal chats. We look forward to such meetings again in the future.
Tracey said she keeps a copy of Rotary's Vision Statement at hand, and is constantly proud our club living up to this statement through our activities, efforts and many kindnesses, and constant demonstration of Service Above Self.
Announcements ...
"Sparkles in the Park saved Christmas," said Tracey. She went on to praise the awesome Sparkles Committee members for their enormous effort and great success. Next week's Rotary meeting will feature a special THANK YOU to the Sparkles Committee and volunteers. Be sure to attend!
Electoral Committee: Sean Yo reported that online voting is being set up for selection of up to three new board members for our club. Voting is planned to take place between January 15 and 22, 2021. Watch for an email arriving with details.
Rotary celebrated 100 years in Guelph Wellington with this fabulous one-page ad that appeared in the Wellington Advertiser and Guelph Mercury Tribune on December 16, 2020. For a closer look, view or download it as a PDF from our home page here. At the same time, our Rotary Cluster launched a new online "landing page" called Should anyone searching online for "Rotary" in our Guelph Wellington area, this starting page will provide an overview and link to all seven of the clubs in our cluster. Take a look at the landing page here.
Our World Service Committee has been ably chaired for a long time by Sue Ricketts but Sue is now handing over the chair to Michael Von Keitz, prior to her planned move to Drayton in April. The club thanks Sue for her extraordinary service, and Mike for accepting this role.
"The 7th Annual Rotaract Gala will take place this year on Friday, March 5, 2021 as a virtual event, including an online auction plus optional take-out dinner," said Alec Cook, President of the Rotaract Club of Guelph. This year, the gala's net proceeds will be donated to the IYSN (Integrated Youth Services Network). The Rotaract Club is looking for help in obtaining items for their silent auction. Email or call Alec at 519-803-9213.
On February 20, 2021, Guelph's annual Coldest Night Of The Year Walk will once again benefit HOPE House, raising much-needed funds to help community members experiencing homelessness, hurt, and hunger. Details are online here:
The Rotary Club of Fergus-Elora (one of the seven clubs in our Rotary Cluster) will host Marva Wisdom as their guest speaker on February 12, 2021 at 12:15pm, speaking on Equity & Justice.
The next webinar on Finding The Balance During COVID-19 will take place on Monday evening, January 11 at 7pm. We are in a tough part of the COVID journey right now with positive cases increasing locally. This webinar will focus on how to stay physically and mentally well during the lockdown. Pre-registration is required by going to this link:
Our club needs more members to become qualified in writing grant applications for both District and Global Grants. District 7080 is running a required webinar on January 21, 2021 at 7pm covering specific rules and procedures. Please consider registering to participate in this webinar, especially if your service committee is interested in applying for Rotary Grants. Webinar details are at this link:
Our wonderful guest speaker this week was Mike Lipkin, president of Environics/Lipkin, a global research and motivation company based in Toronto. A professional speaker and researcher, Mike has gained insights from talking to a million people in 43 countries.
Mike's jam-packed, energizing, empowering and uplifting talk had something for everyone - from reminders and sayings about age-old truths, to new ideas and perspectives. He gave us plenty of food for thought, underpinned by optimism and his "believe you can do it" approach and encouragement.
He also crystallized 10 areas of change brought about by the Covid-19 pandemic, identifying not only the challenges but the opportunities of each. And he encouraged one and all to tap into their three superpowers of Conviction, Charisma and Conditioning.
Mike's podcasts and videos can be found on his website at
Many thanks to our awesome Program Committee for organizing such a great speaker.
Program next week - January 15, 2021
Jolly Bedi, a member of our club since May 2020, will get Up Close & Personal as she introduces herself to us. We love learning more about our new Rotarians through these talks!
Our program will also include a special celebration of Sparkles 2020.